Sunday, September 11, 2011

Web Applications: Get Started Online ? The Best Web Apps for Your ... Sign up for the remaining 5 videos in this series ?The Best Web Applications for Your Online Business? ? everything you need to know to get started taking your small business online or to start up an Internet marketing business from scratch. We detail all the necessary web applications you need to get your online business up and running. For more: Covered in this 6-part Video Course: Video 1: Getting Started Online: Why Do You Need Web Applications? We details the necessary Web Apps you must have to get started with your online business TODAY. Video 2: Content Management System Web Apps Video 3: Payment Processor Web Apps Video 4: Email Marketing Service Providers Video 5: Customer Relationship Management Web Apps Video 6: Customer Support Service Web Apps To sign up for the remaining videos in this educational video e-course, visit this link: Video #2 ? Content Management Systems (CMS Solutions): We?ll tell you about WordPress, Joomla and Typepad. Find out the pros and cons of each. Video #3 ? 3rd-Party Payment Processors: We?ll cover PayPal, Google Checkout, and ? which should you use? Video #4: Email Marketing Solutions: The benefits of email marketing and how you can compare MailChimp, Constant Contact, Exact Target. Video #5: Customer Relationship ? CRM Software Web Apps: Watch and listen as we compare Batchbook, SalesForce, and Highrise Video #6: Customer Support Solutions: Learn more about ?
Video Rating: 4 / 5


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