Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Greatly Improve Relationships Through Communication

A lot of long distance relationships have failed due to the lack of good communication.? Even family relationships break down because parents do not have constant communication with their kids even when they are living under the same roof.? Parents try to always find ways to improve relationships but fail miserably because they lack enough quality time with their kids.? Sometimes kids would also end up having a hard time to make friends with their classmates and the neighbors? kids because they lack the skill of socializing with other people.? Parents should be able to teach their children how to properly deal with people by showing them you love your family by spending time with them.

Children learn better through seeing and when they see their parents? good relationships with other people then they are able to also learn from what they see.? Especially with small kids, they can easily visualize themselves doing the same things their parents do.? Improve relationships with people around you and your kids will understand how good relationships start.? Kids make friends by allowing people to interact with them.? A lot of kids may learn the skill of communicating better with other people in school but the parents should initiate the process by introducing them to the outside environment.

Even adults find it hard to express their feelings to the ones they love because they lack the understanding on how to deal with others.? A better way to improve relationships with someone is to try doing fun activities with them such as sports.? Jogging together every day is already a good way to start.? Most often than not, you are able to make friends with people whom you share the same passion with.? ?These helpful activities allow you to form bonds with people you care about.? There is myriad of activities you can do and finding a common ground is the best way to start.? Say if you share the same passion in reading then spending time in a bookstore scouring for a good book would be a productive activity. ?Remember that people are open to others when it comes to things that they enjoy.

Source: http://www.sfconnect.org/improve-relationships/greatly-improve-relationships-through-communication

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