Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Kindle Ritual Training and Tools for Easy Ebook Publishing : Internet ...

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Kindle Ritual Training and Tools for Easy Ebook PublishingIt?s Brian G. Johnson here, and I?d like to share with you how this picture of my dog Otis lead me to create a simple, yet incredibly powerful system that has allowed me to tap into unlimited amounts of PASSIVE INCOME, for many years to come?

Have you had enough of all the hard work that comes with trying to make money online, and just wish that you could find an income stream that was quick, easy, and most of all, reliable?

Do you like the idea of being your own boss, ?working? just a few hours a day, and having all the freedom in the world to enjoy life ? and do it all on YOUR terms?

And finally, would you like to create a regular and completely passive income stream YOURSELF, and have money coming into your bank account practically on demand?

Well if you?re sitting there right now screaming ?YES, YES, YES!? (not in a Meg Ryan way though), then you absolutely MUST keep reading?

And that?s because what I?ve got for you today is going to end your frustrations once and for all, and enable you to start making a residual and truly passive income for many years to come ? and do it all from Kindle E-BOOKS?

However, if the thought of writing books put?s you into a tail spin and you rather have a root canal rather than to sit down and write book after book, stick with me.

Because my new ?Ritual? system allows anyone with a bit of initiative to create and publish books to (the number one buyer search engine on the planet) using the Kindle platform.

The book featured above was written under a pen name and wasn?t promoted using my giant email list of 40,000+ subscribers, I also did not spend crazy amounts of money on advertising the book. Simply put, I did not use any of the marketing leverage or clout that comes with being a full-time Internet marketer since 2003.

Instead, I simply leverage my Ritual book promotion? system, the results you see are based on simple tactics and strategies that anyone could implement, even those on a shoestring budget or limited time.

Now, I certainly can?t guarantee anyone?s results and frankly, you should be leery of anybody that does offer such a guarantee. However, I can show you the results I have been getting using my Kindle Ritual strategies, it?s really exciting stuff! You should also know that my entire Ritual process is fully documented and again, it?s based on the exact strategies and tactics that I personally use anytime I publish to the Amazon Kindle marketplace!

These are just a few of the results I have gotten over the last few months by leveraging my Kindle Ritual system, this is something that I am actively doing and it?s an opportunity not to be missed!

And that?s why I?m?

Read more?

Posted by Dan on Tuesday, December 4, 2012 at 10:53 am?
Filed under General ? Tagged with


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